Pepsi Throwback Review

Pepsi ThrowbackIn case you haven’t heard, Pepsi just released a soda called “Throwback” where they use Natural Sugar instead of High-Fructose Corn Syrup.   The “Natural Sugar” is composed of part sugar cane and beet sugar.  The other difference between this and a regular Pepsi is that there is no citric acid here to preserve the shelf life of the soda (Pepsi is experimenting with this soda for 8 weeks supposedly).  Is High Fructose Corn Syrup bad?  Well there are critics on both sides.  The ones that say that it’s not bad simply have found studies where it does not directly cause obesity and not intrinsically bad for you.  However, opponents have tested this in rats who were forced to mimic most U.S. types of employment.  That is they were forced to be more sedentary than normal and were allowed to consume as much as they pleased.  The study found that the rats were consuming more and began to have signs of type 2 diabetes.  Basically, the rats sense of fullness was inhibited.  What it really comes down to is preference in taste.