Top / Best of Music DVDs of 2008

10.)  Kurt Cobain : About a Son

Kurt Cobain : About A Son DVDBasically, the director of this documentary took the interview tapes from author Michael Azerrad of Come As You Are with Kurt Cobain and added scenery.  Kurt Cobain had such a gentle speaking voice that you always love to hear him talk.  The scenery included is of places that Kurt lived and spent such as the bridge where he supposedly slept under from the song “Something In The Way”.  We also get to see the site where the interview took place which was his beautiful lakeside property.  The tapes released by themselves would have been adequate, but this DVD is worth a spin just to at least get a feel what Kurt Cobain saw.

Grade : B –

These DVD’s I haven’t seen, but have heard were great

  • Heavy Metal In Baghdad
  • The Who : At Kilburn 1977

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